worse thing we about loneliness

Loneliness is a state of mind. it’s a State whereby you feel alone and most of the time accompany by feeling of emptiness.

But don’t ever let loneliness drive you back into the arms of someone who doesn’t deserve you.

Loneliness can be painful especially when you are in relationship that stress you out live you unhappy all your life.

Do schistosomiasis have psychological effect

Schistosomiasis (Billarzia) is also known as snail fever is disease caused by a parasitic work. The worm, or fluke has several different species. It affects the intestines and the urinary system preferentially,but because it lives in the blood vessels, it can harm other systems in the body too.

According to the world health organization (WHO) this disease has acute stage and chronic stage. when an victims body reacts to the parasite presence, the complications can persist for long- time.

Body’s affected


The spleen

The nervous system


The brain

Spinal cord

Note: the area of damage will depend on the species of the parasite.

How it can be contacted

According to the world health organization, the infection starts when a person comes in contact with the fresh water where certain types of water snail carry the worm. The parasite enter the body when a person is


Washing or paddling in the contaminated water

Drinking and cooking with the contaminated water.

Note: cercariae is the infection that comes from the infected snail and when come in contact with human body, pass through skin and then develop adult works that live in the individual’s blood.

Do schistosomiasis have psychological effect

Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease and it’s global health inpact is grossly underestimated. Health is wealth they say.

Woman suffer considerably from genitals schistosomiasis that causes infertility, preterm labor, anemia, menstrual disorders and dyspareunia.

Now thinks of what this disease will do to the victims self esteem. A woman with this problem may suffer feeling of

Low self-esteem

Have suicidal tendency

Socially withdrawn


Does the disease have cure

Thankful yes praziquantel (pzQ) effectively treats all forms of schistosomiasis although have minimal side effects.

If I worry too much, does that mean I have anxiety disorder.

Everyday to day life affairs throws us dirt that keeps us worry . We worry because we living in the world of uncertainty. But is normal to worry, but when do worries slowly turns to be anxtiety disorder?.What is “excessive and uncontrollable worries” has to do with anxiety disorder.Excessive and uncontrollable worries are characteristics of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) . They worry too much over everything and nothing . They find it difficult to stop worrying once they have startedWhat does GAD feel like in the body of the victim.

  • Muscle pains
  • Easily fatigue
  • Attention deficit
  • Sleep difficulties- hard to sleep and if managed to fall asleep, they are easily Awaken by provoking thoughts
  • Physical feeling of anxtiety ( e.g, sweating, stomach grumbling, heart palpitating, e.t.c.). does GAD have a cure. Like other anxtiety disorders ; medication and psycho – therapy are the common treatment options for the victims. Note – psycho therapy- involves talking session . Medication for the victims are anti- depressant , anti – anxiety and in some cases sedatives.
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